If you would like to make a donation to Alan Harris Ministries, you may click on the Donate Now button in the box below. Thank you so much for your gift. If you would like your gift to go toward a specific project or need, please use the contact form below to let us know. Otherwise, your gift will go toward the general ministry budget. Thank you again for your generosity. Please continue to pray with us as we seek to be tools in God's hands to pierce the darkness with His light.
Other ways you can donate to Alan Harris Ministries:
- PayPal If you have a PayPal account, you can easily transfer donations directly to Alan Harris Ministries at paypal.me/AlannAngie. If you don't have a PayPal account, it's easy and free to set one up at PayPal.com.
By Mail
Checks may be made to AHEA (Alan Harris Evangelistic Assoc, Inc.), and sent to Alan Harris Ministries 309 W. 24th St. Connersville, IN 47331.
Directly from your Bank Account
Follow these seven easy steps which will also be explained on your bank's website. 1. Sign in to your bank's online banking. 2. Click on "Bill Pay." 3. Add AHEA as a payee, and fill out our address: Alan Harris Ministries 309 W. 24th St. Connersville, IN 47331. If your bank requires an account number, you can use our phone number: 765-220-1629. 4. Select "Schedule a Repeating Payment." 5. Select a frequency of monthly, quarterly, or annually. 6. Select a start date. 7. Your bank will send AHEA a check in the mail from your bank account.
Anonymously by Check
To keep your donation anonymous, you may make your check out to Calvary Baptist Church with Alan Harris in the memo. Also attach a note explaining that it is an anonymous gift to Alan Harris Ministries. You may mail it to: Calvary Baptist Church 309 W. 24th St. Connersville, IN 47331. Do not put your name on the outside of the envelope. The financial secretary at the church will make sure that the funds are given directly to Alan Harris Ministries.